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1-on-1 Healing

You're finally ready for a change and Cosmo's 10 tips aren't doing it...

Whether it's migraines, allergies, or digestive issues, you're ready to quit just dealing with the annoying symptoms and finally want to DO something about them. 


But there's an overwhelming amount of information out there- I'm here to make it simple. To take out the guess work and research, and show you what does work from- the 4,000+ yr old science of Ayurveda.

I'm here now because I've been there before. I got diagnosed with ulcerative colitis at 21 years old. I would spend the afternoons in my dorm room rushing to the bathroom multiple times an hour. I wasn't hiking, riding horses, all of my favorite things. I wasn't doing much of anything actually, for fear that I would have to 💩

Now, my colitis has been in remission for 7 years. Most days, I totally forget that I even have this Western diagnosis. 

My story can be your story, too.

When you're ready, like really really ready (because that's the only time I'm going to work with you) we can work holistically, preventatively, and individualistically to heal your body's imbalances. All I want for you is to be radically healthy. Like the healthiest person you know. Like you didn't know you could feel this good kind of healthy!


Kiersten's story:

I am enormously grateful for the physical and emotional benefits that Ayurveda has brought me. Kimber was the conduit for this ancient, intuitive wisdom and I can’t imagine a more patient and thoughtful teacher! My western doctor diagnosed me with asthma and prescribed me a daily steroidal inhaler to reduce my symptoms. 

With Kimber’s empathetic guidance and support, I changed my diet and made changes to my lifestyle. Two months later, my post-nasal drip was gone and I stopped taking my inhaler. It felt miraculous to cancel my appointment with my asthma doctor! As a bonus, my adult acne also completely cleared up and I lost ten pounds. I now feel stronger, more energetic, and less anxious. Through ayurveda, I actually healed myself.


So, how does this work?

We will start by identifying your dosha (your unique mind/body type according to Ayurveda). This will unlock Ayurveda's individualized health recommendations. This could include diet, herbs, HOW to eat (Ayurveda is like the art of eating), exercise, sleep, medicated oils, self-care, and more. Ayurveda is a one stop shop for all things health and wellness. 

And trust me, I've tried it all- acupuncture, naturopaths, crazy restrictive diets and cleanses, reiki, you name it. Ayurveda was the one thing that stuck. 

Ayurveda is like remembering all of this incredible wisdom about your body that you forgot by being raised in our society today. Some of the habits may be kind of counter culture (hello, enemas), but it's all common sense. Everything may start feeling like rules and lists, and every client tells me, without fail, that it ends up feeling like they can trust their body. They know what it needs now. They know how to listen to it. The science becomes less rigid and more internalized to you. We will layer in yoga, meditation, and fitness as we work towards your own unique health goals. 


Ready to take the first step?

Book a 20 min discovery call and we can chat about how this all works. I want to answer your questions and leave you feeling empowered and excited. And if we both decide it's a match, we'll start your journey together!


1-on-1 works generally includes 1-2 sessions a month for 4-12 weeks. 
I do offer single appointment 90 mins consultations- but I've significantly increased the price. Honestly, I'm trying to discourage them. I see that more folks need support and time to implement the lifestyle changes long term.

Packages range from $400-1200 depending on your goals and needs and how often we will need to meet.

This type of work is for folks who are really really ready to up-level. They are ready to do what it takes to see the results. Ready to do the work. My recommendations won't work if you don't do them. But I will be here for support every step of the way. If you're looking for someone to give you a bunch of resources and information, totally nerd out on everything, and go deep, I AM the healer for you. 🤓

But if you're looking for someone to do the work for you, someone who isn't going to hold you accountable, someone who will let you wallow in your self-pity or let you off the hook from responsibility, if you're going to be a total skeptic of everything I present and not be willing to try the recommendations, I'm not the coach for you. 

How do I know this will work for me? 
Would you rather do a barrage of food sensitivity testing and be told you need to avoid gluten, dairy, nightshades, sugar, and tree nuts the rest of your life? 
Or would you rather repair your digestion so that your body can actually digest the foods you're consuming? 
Let's address the root CAUSE instead of putting a band-aid on the symptoms. 

I'll be the first to say if I'm not the most well suited practitioner to help you heal. I have a strong network of other holistic healers, and I will refer you to someone more equipped to lead you on your healing journey. 

What if I don't have a major disease or illness like your colitis? Will I still benefit?

That's like saying- well, all the wheels are still on my car, I don't need to go to the mechanic, right? 
Of COURSE you will still benefit. I find that most people honestly don't know how good they can feel. Energized, mentally clear, grounded, easeful, at peace in their body.

Ayurveda addresses our relationship to our body so we are much more attuned to when we are out of balance and can have a full toolbox of resources to bring ourselves back to center. 

Ayurveda is perfectly positioned to address the things Western medicine doesn't have an answer for and tells you to "just live with". So, no, it doesn't have to be a big diagnosis. 

How is Ayurveda different from other holistic healing modalities?
1. Individualized- what is medicine for one person is poison for another and vice versa. This is NOT a one sized fits all approach. 

2. Addresses the root cause- we aren't just alleviating the symptoms. Absence of symptoms isn't the same as true vibrant health. So we are going to dig deep and address and heal the root cause of imbalance- preventing those symptoms from ever needing to show up again. the symptoms are just the messenger, and we want to decode the message.

3. Holistic- we aren't going to look at your symptoms as an isolated part of you. If you have acid reflux, we're not just looking at the digestive system. We are looking at the entirety of you- body, mind, and sprit, You are more than just your symptoms.

4. Digestion based- Ayurveda is rooted in the idea that digestion is the root of all health. So we're going to heal your digestion regardless of what you bring to me as your primary health concern. We will get you back to HEALTHY, not just normal. 

What makes you different than other health coaches?
I'm actually the anti-coach health coach. I don't even like the word coach!
I'm going to be your biggest fan, but I'm not going to hold your hand. You have to be ready to do this work. I won't do it for you. But I'll give you all the tools, resources, and support you need to be successful and be so, so, invested in your success. 

I've also been my own guinea pig. I've tried it ALL on my own body and through the last 10 years of practice. We will skip a lot of the trial and error and get you right to healing. 

What people are saying about working with me...

"Kimber's compassionate and gentle nature offers a safe and nurturing space to discuss all of your health concerns. She holds a wealth of knowledge and wisdom you can trust. Kimber provided valuable practices and various recipes to address my imbalances. Her sweet guidance and encouragement are good medicine:) Thank you, Kimber!"


"Kimber's Aryuveda personal health review was much more enjoyable and pleasant than I expected. She brought up some really helpful points, and gave clear, easy to follow suggestions. Honestly, I had doubts, but in short order I felt sure I was in capable hands. If you want mystical woo-woo crystals and "new-age" nonsense, look elsewhere -- Kimber is smart and down to earth."


"Kimber is a knowledgeable and nurturing soul. I had such a wonderful and eye-opening Ayurvedic consultation with her. She helped me understand a more holistic view of my wellbeing and offered easy to implement 'solutions' to help get me back into balance. She truly embodies the idea that health and wholeness don't have to be difficult. Thank you, Kimber!"


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