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Why Ayurveda?

Flashback to 2011, I was happy, healthy, college student.

Until I got diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disease: ulcerative colitis.
Imagine IBS, but worse 😬

I was told to expect a lifetime of:



-eventual surgical removal of my colon

Now, my colitis has been in remission for 7 years. I'm 100% symptom free, because I decided to choose a different path. Watch the video to learn the full story 

Hey! I'm glad you're here!

Kimber Jones

Zone of genius - Teaching, learning, being the excited nerdy one

I'm Kimber

If you're anything like me, you're just a nerd looking for answers.

I hope my journey to amazing health, vibrancy, and thrive inspires you to know there is another way to heal. Without the pills, without just managing the symptoms, without having to mistrust your body.

My story can be your healing story, too. 

Kimber Jones, founder of Moksha Yoga & Wellness in Asheville, NC. Offering yoga, ayruveda, fitness, and sustainability

My purpose on this earth is to teach
others how to become their own healers

I'm actually the anti health coach health coach 😂

You see, I'm a teacher at my heart of hearts. Nothing lights me up and gets me into flow like empowering other people with knowledge. 

I taught biology and environmental education for a few years. But after my healing journey, I knew I had to scream from the mountain tops about how amazing this ancient wisdom is. 

And since I'm a teacher, I'm going to give you everything you need to know. It's going to be digestible and understandable. 

But you have to act on it. 

I'm not the normal health coach. I'm not going to hold your hand. I'll be your biggest cheerleader, but I'm not going to do the work for you. 

I work with folks who are ready to remember that they are their own healers.

Ready to get started?

The fancy pieces of paper I've gotten to be able to better serve you:

Ayurvedic Health Counselor from the Ayurvedic Institute 
200 hr Yoga Teacher Training from Asheville Yoga Center

300 hr Yoga Teacher Training from Asheville Yoga Center
Advanced Studies Program from Vira Bhava Yoga

Apprenticeship from Vira Bhava Yoga

Bachelors of Science in Biology & Environmental Science

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